mercoledì 17 dicembre 2008

Corruption, Corruption, Corruption Always and Again

Everyday we receive in Italy detailed information about the severity of the present economic crisis and its future implications; alarms for the continuosly growing number of jobs lost and at risk with entire families suddenly pushed to poverty; everyday in Italy an incresing number of people finds growing difficulties in managing everyday life...

Having this scenario in mind, I receive with disgust and anger the recent news about cases of presumed political corruption in Italy. This cases, if confirmed by investigations, severely offend the dignity of the people suffering at present the main pressures of those sacrifices economic crisis is imposing to italian society.

1) Neaples. Investigations have determined house arrest for 12 individuals among which 2 city counciliors, 2 former city counciliors and a former public infrastructures' manager. Also 2 MPs seem to be involved: one of the current majority and one from the opposition party.

2) Potenza (Basilicata Region). Investigations about suspected bribes for oil extraction in Basilicata Region caused Mr Lionel Levha, Total managing director, to be arrested with the involvement of Mr Salvatore Margiotta (MP of the Democratic Party 'PD' - opposition). A PD Province counsellor is presently at house arrest. Also the President of Basilicata Region Vito De Filippo (PD) is suspected as well.

3) Pescara (Abruzzo Region). The former major of city of Pescara and regional PD Secretary Luciano D'Alfonso is under investigation for a long series of "favours" received by Carlo Toto and his son Alfonso (AirOne owners) in the form of free travels. luxury dinners, a car with driver, economic supports to associations, political financing. According to the investigations Mr D'Alfonso has politically previleged Mr Toto's companies.

What is emerging from these news is the capillary diffusion of political corruption in Italy, about which only naive people can still wonder. The widespread diffusion of these phenomena involves Majors who seem ready (even for a modest amount of money) to obtain personal advantage at any cost from the public offices they occupy. All this is aggravated by the fact that a major or a local administrator are elected to manage local resources for the benefit of all and to increase the quality of life of the community living in a give area: on the contrary, political corruption translates these resources into tools to achieve personal interests damaging the entire community.

The transverse feature of the problem is highlighted by the massive involvement in these cases of politicians from the Democratic Party at present at the opposition in the Parliament: no ideology seems capable to stop political corruption. In Italy a sole Great Corruption Party is emerging in the political landscape capable to encompass the entire national political spectrum.

A structural and pathological incapability of the italian political parties to adequately select a political class based on a minimum level of honesty and dignity is confirmed again.

Corruption, as well Mafia, is like a boulder bearing upon the entire italian society: this political shameless class acts like a brake for economic and social development hampering the emerging of the best energies and pushing all of us downward.

What can we do in these wretched conditions?

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