This is a critical step to make in particular considering the present period of crisis and recession: for many rural areas in Italy it is essential to look again at agriculture and rural activities as economic sectors capable to generate job and firm opportunities.
For decades, in the name of an illusory modernisation, agricultural jobs have been considered humilitating and second-class activities: we thus need a mentality shift (also in education and training) as critical precondition not only to create job opportunities but also for an ethical rigeneration of our society made obese by industrial food and a TV and videogame culture.
Within this perpective, the Italian Ministry of Agriculture is launching a project called "Land and Young" which, among others, will imply the rent, at modest price, of State land and agricultural goods to young farmers.
Is this an effective project? Is this a real opportunity for young people to become a farmer?
I hope that, going beyond the usual verbal declarations, this project won't hide some land speculation being rather a first signal of change: I actually wonder if to be a farmer has become more simpler for a young woman/man in Italy or not.
I hope to be able to mention shortly some local experiences.
In the meantime,anyone wants to share some personal experience is welcome.
Il Progetto "Terra e Giovani" ("Land and Young" in italian)
La Terra Siamo Noi ("We are the Land" in italian)
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