lunedì 16 novembre 2009

Hot Water!

While in Rome the Fao summit is about to take place (with some discouraging premises see this article) in Italy we are still struggling for some obvious rights.

In this case, public "water" is at stake which, step by step, is moving from the dimension of "right" to the "business" one.

Italian operators slam “privatisation” decree

See also this article in italian

It is always important to remind that private subjects managing public goods seek to achieve a "private economic interest" highly influencing the consumers' budget. There are two possibilities to achieve profits from an industrial management of water : a) reducing costs (with a consequent decrease in service quality) - b) increasing bills.

The water privatization process in Italy is taking place while many associations and organizations are trying to promote sensibilisation campaigns for public water: Italy is the first country with the highest consumption levels of bottled water 65% of which in plastic bottles (9 bls plastic bottles wasted every year)

Instead of directing adequate investments for the efficiency of water pipelines, fighting water wasting, to support sensibilisation campaigns for a better use of water at home, as usual in Italy private managers are considered synonym of efficiency, the only way to bring efficiency to the system.

Do not forget the enormous political interests hidden in this process...

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