giovedì 12 marzo 2020

Diary-bulletin n. 1

I have left this blog rather not used for a long time. Now I have decided to use it to tell and share what is going on here in Italy.

Yesterday night, the Prime Minister Mr Giuseppe Conte announced severe and strict measures for the italian people in order to limit the possibilities to spread the the coronavirus contagion between and among individuals.

All the commercial activities has been closed except for the necessary ones: food, important industries, technical assistance, healt services, etc...
Many shops and mall have been closed.

We have been highly recommended not to leave our homes: only in case of extremely important work needs, food shopping, health needs. In other cases, we must stay at home. If necessary to get out, we have to fill and sign a document in which one declare the reasons of his/her journey. Police can verify if the declaration is true or not. Otherwise one can be arrested for having committed a crime.

Me, my wife and my son live in a small farm house in a village near Viterbo, about 100 km north of Rome. Me and my wife work in Rome as technologists: at present we are doing our work via smart working at home. My son is completing his university degree in Rome: yet all universities in Italy (as well as all kind of schools) have been closed. Many university lesson are carried out via skype.
We are in good health and we do not require any support.

Hospitals are in a severe crisis. A greater part of health assistance is devoted to people affected with coronavirus. It's extremely difficult to have health support: only for critical needs. For this reason it is important not only to avoid the coronavirus contagion but also to any kind of other health trouble. Assitance is however granted for all and for free. All the medical staff in Italy is doing a great job. 

Two days ago I required some dental aid, but the dentist told that, being my problem not so urgent, any medical intervention must be avoided: in case for example of complications I cannot be moved to tha hospital. So no dental care. I can resist, I must resist. I've got no choice. 

The situation in general is quite complex, very strange, unusual but it is likely to be under control. We cannot leave our village. My wife drive once a day to Viterbo (about 10 km) to help his 89 years old father after having filled and signed the above mentioned document.

Towns and cities are almost desert. Even here, just few people are around. Also making a short walk here in the countryside is not allowed. It has been recommended not to meet other people or stay at a distance of 1m. Any kind of crowd is not permitted. 
Fortunately we live in the countryside and we have space enough to stay outdoor.

It is possible to enter a supermarket or a food shop just in a limited number of people at given times. One can stay in a queue outside keeping the distances: when a certain number of customers leave the shop, it possible to enter in. Private policemen are checking and montoring the respect of the rules.

Food is completely available as usual. Agriculture, food industry and distribution are working well. No shortages at the moment. The same for medicines. It is impossible to find any kind of mask.

No cars in the streets. Only trucks for necessary goods.
Home delivery is allowed. We are receiving certains goods thanks to amazon or other kind of home delivery. For example, two days ago I have finished the ink cartridges for my printer (consider it is necessary also to print the certificate to circulate for any need). I bought them through amazon: they should be delivered in a short time. The carrier (wearing a mask) leaves the box at the beginning of the road in order to avoid any contact...

Let's see what will happen tomorrow....


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