giovedì 20 maggio 2010

The Benefits of Ignorance

A country composed of ignorant people deprived of any kind of independent information is a country easily cheated: like puppets or fools this people can be easily cheated with mirrors or coloured glasses. Enormous efforts, during the last decades, have been made by italian governments to achieve this goal in terms of destruction of public education system, culture, science and research. More recently the sistemic destruction of independent information has been added to this.

The recent law on severe limitation on telephone tapping for crime reasons and the farewell of Mr. Michele Santoro (an italian independent journalist often in contrast with the current prime minister) are clear signals of a progressive "Putinisation" of italian politics.

I suggest this video (in italian) by Ezio Mauro (director .of the italian newspaper "La Repubblica")
See also this news release

The continuing support to a certain kind of lifestyles and a TV models made of commercials and stupid TV shows are transofrming Italy into a paranormal country: at the end common people is the main supporters of corruption. They are hungry of corruption and they pretend that the entire system is more and more corrupted. Rather than indignation, corruption is stimulating envy.

All this is happening while a terrible economic catastrophe is just next door: but, here, everything is going on as usual...

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